Auto consume DOM events in a react component

React Nathan Krasney
1 min readFeb 15, 2022

Consume DOM events out of the box for DOM elements

The following code is working of the box: click the button and you will see ‘i was clicked’ on the console

function App() {return (<button onClick={() => console.log('i was clicked')}>ClickMe</button>);}

It is working because by design react give the same flexibility that you have in HTML with regard to handling DOM event

Manual consume DOM event in a react component

However, when you write your component it’s not as simple. Here clicking on the Button will do nothing because the button is unaware of the DOM event

function Button(props) {return <button>{props.children}</button>}function App() {return (<Button onClick={() => console.log('i was clicked')}>ClickMe</Button>);}

You can make it work by manually adding props to the button e.g. clickHandler

function Button(props) {return <button onClick={props.clickHandler}>{props.children}</button>}function App() {return (<Button clickHandler={() => console.log('i was clicked')}>ClickMe</Button>);}

However, if you need to handle more DOM events it requires more code

Auto consume DOM events in a react component

If you want to auto consume any DOM event you need to do the following

function Button({children,}) {return <button {}> {children}</button>}function App() {return (<Button onClick={() => console.log('i was clicked')}>ClickMe</Button>);}


You can consume DOM events in a react component by using props and attaching them to DOM elements like buttons. However, you can eliminate this by using destructuring and spread operators



React Nathan Krasney

25+ years developing software. Lead web instructor & mentor. Focused in last few years on React. Check more info in