Junior Developer — Write a Read Me File for Your Final Project GitHub Repository

React Nathan Krasney
2 min readFeb 28, 2022

GitHub is the public face of any developer. For junior developers coming from boot camp, it is super important because they can put their final project on GitHub and show the development world what they are worth.

But the face of the project is the read-me file. It is important because it’s a short summary of what the project is all about. Good read me file will attract others and you as a junior developer get exposure and might be called to a job interview based on this read-me file and the project

The Read me file on GitHub appears as README.md

Add the following sections to your readme file


The name of the project e.g Retro Book Store


Why did you do this project?

Possible answers :

  • My final project in the boot camp
  • I am passionate about a retro book store
  • I want to initiate a retro book store startup
  • I want to solve a problem …..
  • ….


Here you describe the functionality of the project e.g. the operations :

  • List all books
  • List book details
  • Buy a book
  • Delete a book
  • …..

You can also describe the actors :

  • Anonymous user
  • Registered user
  • Admin

Technology and design

Specify the technologies e.g.

  • Client side: React
  • Server side: Express
  • Database: MongoDB

Specify endpoints e.g. /books

Specify important react components

Specify important MongoDB collections and document


What needs to be done to install the project dependencies e.g. on react project, you need to: npm install

Run the project

What needs to be done to run the project

e.g. on react vite project, you need to do:

npm run dev


Write a read me file for your GitHub repository , it will make your project clear and to the point and attract others



React Nathan Krasney

25+ years developing software. Lead web instructor & mentor. Focused in last few years on React. Check more info in www.nathankrasney.com